Work-related factors and occupations in relation to the incidence of type 2 diabetes: an exploratory study among 274,716 Dutch workers

Joint analysis of Esener-2, the LFS 2013 ad hoc module and the 6th EWCS

Management of psychosocial risks in European workplaces: Drivers and barriers in a national and cultural context

The joint analysis of the European survey of enterprises (ESENER-2) and labor force survey (LFS)

Vision screening in primary youth health care (PYHC): Can it be improved by using an anutorefractive device?

The association of eating styles with weight change after an intensive combined lifestyle intervention for children and adolescents with severe obesity

Multiple imputation of missing values in studies with many multi-questionnaire outcomes

Auxiliary item score information to deal with missing data in longitudinal patient-reported outcomes

Handling missing item data on a multi-item instrument